To begin with, what are startups?
Basically, a tech startup is a company that brings technology products and services to the market. A startup can also be described as a company or project undertaken by an entrepreneur to seek, develop and validate a scalable business model, in this case, in the tech domain.
Why Start a Start-up?
It’s a Great Adventure
Everything that goes into getting a start up running is nothing short of a great adventure. Everything from making your first buck to making your first loss, looking for investors to losing investors. If you are feeling a little scared, that’s okay too.
If it helps, take pride in the fact that you will have the power to create something from nothing and potentially build an empire from the ground up.
Easy to Get Press and Attention
Social media nowadays undeniably runs the world. Gone are the days where you had to hire a PR firm at insane costs for some publicity.
Blowing up has been reduced to just getting some influencers to get you trending and in a matter of hours, people will know about your company and will be talking about it.
Making a Living Is Rather Fast
This particular pro is due to the fact that start-ups require less capital to start compared to bigger companies. Typically, businesses take years and years of making losses before they start making enough for return on capital as well as profits for you to live off of.
Numerous Customer Acquisition Channels
Optimizing marketing tools at a large scale isn’t pocket-friendly in the slightest so please social distance yourself from it while starting up.
In lieu of this, there is a plethora of other choices to choose from – better choices I may add. You could use public relations, search engine marketing, in-person events, blogs – the list is inexhaustible really.
Speaking of blogs;
Why Your Start-up Needs a Blog
Match Up-Like Tinder, for Investors
As ridiculous as this sounds, a potential investor or even co-founder may read your blog and like what you are selling, or going to sell and get interested.
Blogs have a global reach and provide more coverage than traditional networking channels giving you a chance to find potential partners before actually having a sit-down to discuss numbers and strategy.
Start Building Your Customer Community as Early as Possible
The first step to being successful is creating a brand and what better way than to start engaging your customers this early and sort of give them a home in the blog. Build excitement and suspense, keep your customers guessing. P.S don’t disappoint them by promising what you can’t deliver.
Furthermore, it is a great way to keep your customers updated with tech startups news. Got anything post-worthy, write a blog about it. Anything from product launches to software company news could be featured in the blog.
A Gate to the Magical Land of Social Media Marketing
As mentioned before, social media pretty much runs stuff nowadays – thank you millennials.
Every blog for tech start-ups requires some level of social media advertising to get the word out. Doing this kind of gives you a blueprint to how you can probably use social media in the future to advertise products.
Get Some Customer Feedback Before Investing Resources
Every business works towards optimal customer satisfaction and there is no better way than getting to hear some of your customers’ thoughts.
After a few blog posts, the comments from potential customers will give you an idea on where to invest what resources and generally decide to go through with it or fold if your passion doesn’t match customer feedback.
Blogs for Tech Start-Ups Done Right
There is a lot to take into account when it comes to coming up with relevant blog posts and delivering software companies news that helps you. No stone will be left unturned when it comes to writing tech startups news so here are all the types of blogs to get you started;
People love how to do guides, this particular article included if you think about it. Take this same approach if you want to give customers a detailed guide on how to do something.
Ultimate Guides
Ultimate guides are just how-to articles, just more detailed in that they dive deeper into the matter at hand than basic how-to blogs. They could include software companies news and guides to latest product releases.
Host a giant in your field and put it in a blog for your readers – heck you could have Zuckerberg on the hot seat for your next blog post.
Blogging Basics
Typically, blog posts longer than 1500 words get more engagement on search engines because they have more keywords and phrases. However, if you feel you can squeeze your software company news in a shorter blog, go for it and make it damn good.
Images are undoubtedly more aesthetically pleasing than plain text and that is all that needs to be said about images in blogs really. In a nutshell, they make your tech start-up news or whatever you are posting easier on the eye.
Frequency and Consistency
Consistency is arguably better than quality and even when working with a small team, 2-4 posts a week are not so bad.
Formatting and Editing
Take time to ensure each post follows a clear and logical order.