Home sleep devices helping you while you sleep
Going to bed can be one of the best feelings in the world with the second being waking up refreshed and eager to get on with the day. But some people do not get to enjoy either, falling asleep and after 8 hours feeling worse than ever. If you have ever experienced this type of feeling you may need a sleep study device to assess if you have sleep apnea. This condition can be caused either through an obstruction to the throat, temporarily choking you as weight of relaxed muscles inhibit the windpipe, when this occurs, sufferers normally wake very slightly and shift position, gasp and snore loudly; meaning a solid 4 hours of REM sleep is not possible. Additionally, as the sufferer is half asleep, they do not know why they feel tired or why their partner is shouting at them for snoring loudly or worried about how they were gasping at night.
Most people have never heard of sleep apnea or just know it as some form of sleeping disorder and this is a major problem as around 80% of all sufferers are not diagnosed, leading to accidents travelling to work or at work. This can affect the sufferer’s life along with the lives of others. Many people decide it is the pillow or mattress that is the cause of their tiredness and choose to replace them at great expense, while wondering why it didn’t work to resolve the matter a few days later.
A home sleep device is the answer as it helps to monitor your sleep at home, and particularly useful for sleep apnea testing. This is because without home sleep devices sleep apnea diagnosis for example requires an indeterminate time of overnight observation hooked up to a machine in a specialist hospital. This leads to a lot of challenges such as getting to work or help at home while being taken to and from the hospital. If a general practitioner thinks you have sleep apnea you are signed off from heavy duties at work and driving as a precaution, while this sounds like it could be ignored, it means that you void your insurance as sleep apnea causes tiredness and confusion that can lead to accidents and death of the sufferer and others.
Imagine that logistics or family or work disruption is not an issue for you, finding a sleep specialist that a healthcare professional will refer you to will be difficult if not impossible. They are so sought after that their waiting lists can have thousands of patients on them, they will unlikely be local to you and due to high demands will only have a limited number of spaces at overnight observation facilities to offer. So, if you’re not a high priority patient you may never get fully diagnosed, or potentially miss-diagnosed through no fault of the specialist. This means that over 80% of people with sleep apnea seldom find out they have it.
A Winning Diagnosis
A sleep study device is a triple win for every stakeholder as they are by far the cheapest assessment method, give more data over time and are backed by insurers as they offer comparable results to overnight observations. Devices are wrist sized and are easy for sufferers at home to put them on and use them in their own bed without needing to worry about the device being dislodged. A sleep study device can monitor body position to help understand how the throat is being obstructed and can lead to simple sleeping supports to help patients overcome their sleeping nightmare without surgery. These sleep study devices also help with measuring blood oxygen to see if your body is getting enough oxygen at night and monitor the duration of REM activity. In the morning some devices auto generate the results needed for assessment and send a copy through a cloud based solution to your healthcare professional while you get on with life.
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