Sleep apnea and heart disease
Most of us will know what sleep apnea and heart disease is but have you realized that there is a strong link between the two. The link between sleep apnea and heart disease is often overlooked as many of us do not relate the notion of being constantly tired with heart disease. Sleep apnea comes in two main variants, obstructive sleep apnea where the throat is physically blocked and a rarer alternative that is caused by inconsistent brain signaling to breathing muscles called central sleep apnea. Additionally, there is a hybrid mixture of the two for some unfortunate individuals.
Those with sleep apnea receive much lower oxygen content in the bloodstream, this can cause hypertension a change in blood pH and reduce the nitric oxide creation at the cardiovascular cell wall interface. This hardens the cardiovascular walls over relatively short space of time. These changes are usually reversable but only within a one-month time frame. The cardiovascular system regulates fluid flow from the bloodstream to cells and this reducing of elasticity not only makes it worse for cells to get enough oxygen, but also allows for furring up of the arteries. As these constrict and build up with deposits such as fats and blood cells, they rapidly increase the risk for a stroke to occur, as large agglomerated masses break periodically and may block key circulatory passages.
The link between sleep apnea and heart disease in patients
Interestingly, if a patient has already had a heart issue and admitted to hospital it is likely that the stay is elongated with patients with sleep apnea, due to the increase health risks mention adding to the issue of the patient. Approximately 50% cardiac patients suffer from sleep apnea and 20% are readmitted after being released due many doctors not asking or linking sleep apnea with health conditions.
Signs and symptoms of sleep apnea are exceedingly difficult to diagnose however thankfully home sleep apnea testing (HSAT) devices are small, cheap and recommended by insurers to enable you to be assessed by general practitioners rapidly. By assessing your risk to sleep apnea you also help identify if there are any underlying heart disease issues. While sleep apnea and heart disease is serious enough, some of the other health risks include; high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia, tiredness related accidents, memory challenges and erectile dysfunction.
Why you need a HSAT device
Sleep apnea is extremely difficult to diagnose before it is too late. Symptoms include loud snoring, a gasping or choking during the night, poor concentration and other vague symptoms that over 80% of sleep apnea sufferers in the US alone dismiss as just a bad time sleeping or a poor mattress. The link between sleep apnea and heart disease has been proven as a strong connection between both illnesses, meaning if you get diagnosed now you may overt a hospital visits or surgery. Furthermore, you may live longer and have a better quality of life when treated for either sleep apnea and heart disease.
The link between sleep apnea and heart disease mentioned above should not be taken lightly, so much so doctors and health care professionals are already beginning to ask their patients if they have suffered from sleep apnea prior to avoid a near future visit to the hospital again. The question you have to ask yourself is will your health insurance cover you’re failing to test for sleep apnea? HSAT devices can auto generate reports and some even allow you to send the results directly to your health care professional while you are making your morning coffee and reading the paper.