A Sleep apnea test device is here to help
Sleep apnea is where you go to bed and 8 hours pass, the alarm goes but you feel like you were up all night. If this happens frequently then sleep apnea testing at home could help figure out the issue. Many people first think it’s their mattress or pillow and change them at extensive cost only to find out that the issue had not been resolved.
If you are single, it can be exceptionally difficult to find out what is causing your tiredness because the symptoms of loud snoring and gasping are normally only noticed by a partner; this is where sleep apnea testing at home can be highly beneficial.
Outdated Testing; Time out of your busy day
Sleep apnea testing at home has only been around and adopted by insurance companies and medical institutions fairly recently and due thanks to the advancement of technology allowing for comparable testing methods as specialist overnight monitoring equipment that can only be accessed during overnight hospital observations; a costly and traumatic experience that normally fails to represent home sleep. This is because institutional equipment typically from the 1970’s has hundreds of wires and sensors that need to be put on a large area of the body and any movement to a different sleep position can be difficult and unnatural, furthermore patients can dislodge these sensors relatively easily, invalidating the results making assessment potentially taking weeks at the expense of the insurer or patient.
Challenges finding help
One of the biggest problems of not using a home sleep apnea test is that your physician will stop any work or travel that will be possibly affected by your tiredness until a full diagnosis is complete. If you are lucky, they will refer you to a sleep specialist that will likely have a large waiting list due to underfunding. When finally seen they will be unlikely to be able to get any overnight observations conducted again due to lack of funding and facilities that can admit you on a nightly basis. If you are lucky a series of overnight observations in a strange place will not help your sleep naturally. Worse yet the decades old equipment used will contain a lot of wires that will make it almost impossible to sleep in or naturally.
What If You Do Nothing; What’s the worst that can happen?
A sleep apnea test device allows you to get data about your sleep quality and auto create sleep reports that can be sent to your health care professional. The process involves a small wrist type of device that can send the auto generated report while you are getting ready for work.
If you find out that you have sleep apnea you can then use the device to monitor your condition without overnight observations being planned. This means you have control of your life and your healthcare professional, insurer and family will all thank you.
What you need to keep in mind is that a staggering 54 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea with 80% in the US being undiagnosed due to the lack of accessibility to medical aid. Many sufferers get into accidents and costly liability claims as a result.
If you have sleep apnea it is possible that very quickly other issues can occur within the space of a few weeks and after a month can lead to irreversible damage to your health in most cases. Without a sleep apnea test cardiovascular disease and a significant risk of stroke is possible along with coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure and secondary complications possible with each. A low cost yet performant device such as a sleep apnea test may save your life.